Is Coaching Right For Me. Los Angeles and Santa Monica, Life Coach Andrew Susskind

Is Coaching For Me?

A self-test

Please respond yes or no to the following questions:

Yes No  
I find it difficult to experience a balance between my personal and professional life.
I am feeling “stuck” within certain areas of my life.
I tend to set goals for myself that do not get completed.
I am more likely to complete a goal if I am accountable to another person.
I work more effectively with structure.
I find honest, clear feedback helpful to me in the process of developing and reaching goals.
I sometimes experience myself as not living up to my potential.
My core values (e.g., independence, adventure, community) seem out-of-sync with my current life circumstances.
My priorities are unclear.
I feel motivated to collaborate on the design and implementation of changes in my life.


Find out if "Coaching is right for you. Andrew Susskind Master Life Coach

2550 Overland Avenue Suite 100 | Los Angeles, California | 90064

@2009 Andrew Susskind All Rights Reserved |